Cartoon Network’s 30th Anniversary

The Celebration.

In 2022, HBO Max helped celebrate this milestone by having a takeover of the Cartoon Network Hub. This campaign was treated as a “Birthday” on the page to bring in an audience with different age demographics for co-viewing. All design assets had confetti and rainbow art to collaborate the Cartoon Network Marketing team’s theme. This was the first takeover of the Cartoon Network Hub with a new page background and specific curations geared towards milestones, birthdays, and more.

CN 30th Ambient Video

Cartoon Network: Animated Through the Years, was an “ambient” video that was produced internally in conjecture with the Cartoon Network Marketing Team. The 27-min. video celebrated iconic moments from past and current CN series, including memorable songs, catch phrases, sentimental moments, and etc. The clips and moments within the video were selected by Kemani.

Birthday Character Buttons

Custom Character Buttons were created for the Birthday of Cartoon Network. When the user hovered over the character button, each character has confetti appear in the background of the character. When clicked on, it would lead users to a sub-page dedicated to the characters. After the ambient video, the character button was the second most popular component on the page.

Social Media Promotion

During the first week of CN’s 30th Anniversary, there was organic fan promotional posts about the celebration and Cartoon Network: Animated Through the Years video, which was a priority during the celebration.


Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary